Since the inception of biological treatment, the focus has been on promoting the growth and abundance of good bacteria within the current treatment confines. These inherent limitations exist due to size, retention time, and processing capacity. 

A biological treatment process by itself provides many benefits for the treatment of wastewater. Wet Tech Environmental’s method of microbial growth takes a different approach by greatly enhancing microbial growth.  Wet Tech Environmental in conjunction with Levapor ’s non-chemical solution provides one of the most advanced media known in the wastewater industry today. The benefits of the Levapor technology for biological treatment provide numerous benefits for wastewater treatment.

  • a decrease in power consumption due to the need for less aeration, power savings up to 40% can be achieved,
  • increasing plant efficiencies provides the potential for reduced or postponed additional infrastructure,
  • reduction in wastewater concentration levels, i.e., BOD, COD, TSS, TKN, H2S, etc., this assists in maintaining compliant levels or return a treatment plant to compliant status, 
  • reduction or elimination of FOG (fats, oils & grease) at the treatment plant,
  • reducing H₂S gases which in turn reduces the presence of odors and dramatically reduces corrosion extending the life of the treatment plant, piping, pumps, concrete, etc.  
  • increase operating efficiencies by reducing influent organic loading and the costs associated with sludge handling and disposal,
  • reduction in the use of expensive chemicals,
  • requires only 10% to 15% of liquid volume fill versus 25% tp 60% of plastic bio-carriers,
  • no interference with normal operations and no requirement for capital expenditures,
  • technology is implemented and operational quickly, colonization within 60 to 90 minutes, wetting period 1 to 3 days,
  • proven results in over 150 municipal/industrial applications and over 3,000 septic systems,

This technology process facilitates a revitalization of a wastewater treatment facility that has either reached capacity, become overstressed, or has become non-compliant.  Results are achieved at a fraction of the costs of infrastructure upgrades. Solutions using the Levapor technology have been  provided at municipal wastewater treatment plants, commercial/industrial sites, pulp and paper, steel fabrication, mining, oleo chemical facilities, agro chemical, aqua farming, etc.

Amit Christian explains the beneficial characteristics of the Levapor technology.  How Levapor can increases efficiencies for a variety of wastewater treatment applications.mit Christian 

Amit Christian is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering with a MS degree in Environmental Pollution Control from Middlesex University, London, UK. Amit has more than fourteen years of experience in the field of water and wastewater treatment. Amit’s’ areas of specialization are biological process designs for wastewater treatment based on CAS, MBBR and IFAS technologies, plant operation and maintenance, trouble shooting and process control.